What do you do now?
It’s taken years. You haven’t slept in as long as you can remember, the last time you had a holiday was when you were 12 and you’ve been working for just about your entire adult life, but you’ve won the proverbial lottery. You’ve just sold your photo-sharing company to Facebook for $1billion. You’ve just inherited an oil field. You’ve just come into more money than you know what to do with.
What do you do now?
You’ve bought the Ferrari. You have a private jet. You’ve built your dream house, and you second dream house. You’ve got all the Macs and cameras and gadgets a person can physically own.
What do you do now?
You’ve travelled the world. You’ve been to every place you have any desire to go to, and even some places you didn’t. You’ve volunteered in Africa, you’ve climbed the Eiffel Tower, you’ve seen the Amazon rainforest.
What do you do now?
You’ve given to charity. You’ve started non-profits. You’ve paid off all of your friends mortgages. You’ve become an internationally renowned public figure and swept up every award that can be won in your line of work.
What do you do now?
You’ve learned to cook, play an instrument, build a shed, fly a plane, read palms. You’ve gotten fit, found a healthy diet, and improved yourself to your maximum potential.
What do you do now?
All of this has only taken 5 years. Your ambitions have been fulfilled. Your bank account is flush. Society deems you to be successful. You still have about another 60 years to fill before your time here is over.
It’s Saturday morning, it’s sunny outside, and the day is yours… close your eyes.
What do you do now?
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