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Rediverge is a paid publication about remote work and world travel. Members get access to a private newsletter and new content every week.
Signups closed. Ghost has been growing like a weed for a while now, and I just haven't been able to find the time to write as often as I'd like, so I'm keeping new signups off for a while. Follow me on Twitter in the meantime for bite-size updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some quick answers to questions people ask most often

Will I be able to change or cancel my plan?

Premium plans are paid monthly or yearly, and can be updated, changed, or cancelled any time by logging into your account and clicking a button. No contracts, no nonsense.

What's the deal with discounts?

You can sign up with an early adopter discount until the content library hits 100 articles. As of right now, there are 49. Additional disounts are available on annual plans.

What theme are you using on this site?

I designed and built Rediverge myself, it's a custom Ghost theme created from scratch for this site. You can find a wide variety of themes in our marketplace, or build your own.

I still have questions, how can I contact you?

If you need something else, you can reach out by sending an email to, or message @johnonolan — and I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.